A psychic medium connects with and channels loved ones from the otherside in addition to touching into your energy to convey messages to help you along your path. Psychic mediums and psychics both possess clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient abilities but psychics have not evolved in the ability to channel loved ones from the otherside. Psychic Mediums do not need to use divination tools such as tarot, crystals, runes, during psychic readings. Mediumship is a natural gift that allows the psychic to touch into your energy soul to soul and give insight into your life situations guided by your loved ones on the other side. Psychic mediums will convey details from loved ones on the other side, giving names, dates, events that you can validate, thus allowing you to know the connection is authentic.
Through my psychic abilities as a medium I have learned to trust my connection with the other side. They give names, dates, events and information that can be validated by you. As a Psychic Medium I receive messages from loved ones who have crossed over, giving me the special ability to channel communication between the earthly world and the wonderful world of Spirit. I channel such information in a positive light for others. Knowing the peace, joy and comfort you receive from these readings deepens my dedication to all who seek answers.
As an authentic psychic medium I affirm that our loved ones who have crossed over stay connected with us from spirit. Their energies, levels of consciousness, states of awareness, never really dissolve into thin air, but stay unified and inner-connected. Our loved ones on the other side really are aware of what is happening in our lives. They communicate and convey their presence in their own mysterious way. All we have to do is pay attention, listen, and open our hearts to receive. When I connect with "energies" on the other side, and convey their messages, I marvel at the wonderful world of spirit.
To grieve the loss of a loved one is a normal process. Your faith and given belief system is one of your most important resources. Trust in it. However, for many, the loss of a loved one leaves unanswered questions, unfinished business, or unresolved issues. Some need to know their loved ones are in a safe and peaceful place. Some never got to say good-bye. I have learned to trust my connection with the Wonderful World of Spirit and convey names, dates, events and messages with profound accuracy. I know that if there is a message to be given, and an opportune environment available, then a connection can be made and validated. I am only a channel via mystical or mysterious means that at times even I can not explain. If you feel you need me or that you have been guided to me, I am here for you.
My work as a medium is my life work, my spiritual path and way of helping all who seek answers. I have been reading for clients just like you for 25 years. Thank you for allowing me to touch your energy and read for you. Now that I have retired, I wish you the best. Please read more on my home page
Through my psychic abilities as a medium I have learned to trust my connection with the other side. They give names, dates, events and information that can be validated by you. As a Psychic Medium I receive messages from loved ones who have crossed over, giving me the special ability to channel communication between the earthly world and the wonderful world of Spirit. I channel such information in a positive light for others. Knowing the peace, joy and comfort you receive from these readings deepens my dedication to all who seek answers.
As an authentic psychic medium I affirm that our loved ones who have crossed over stay connected with us from spirit. Their energies, levels of consciousness, states of awareness, never really dissolve into thin air, but stay unified and inner-connected. Our loved ones on the other side really are aware of what is happening in our lives. They communicate and convey their presence in their own mysterious way. All we have to do is pay attention, listen, and open our hearts to receive. When I connect with "energies" on the other side, and convey their messages, I marvel at the wonderful world of spirit.
To grieve the loss of a loved one is a normal process. Your faith and given belief system is one of your most important resources. Trust in it. However, for many, the loss of a loved one leaves unanswered questions, unfinished business, or unresolved issues. Some need to know their loved ones are in a safe and peaceful place. Some never got to say good-bye. I have learned to trust my connection with the Wonderful World of Spirit and convey names, dates, events and messages with profound accuracy. I know that if there is a message to be given, and an opportune environment available, then a connection can be made and validated. I am only a channel via mystical or mysterious means that at times even I can not explain. If you feel you need me or that you have been guided to me, I am here for you.
My work as a medium is my life work, my spiritual path and way of helping all who seek answers. I have been reading for clients just like you for 25 years. Thank you for allowing me to touch your energy and read for you. Now that I have retired, I wish you the best. Please read more on my home page